We love our pups! Cory and I rescued two dogs right after our 1st anniversary - we started with one... then one turned into TWO. We loved our Duke and Daisy! Which is why this project to help a dog-boarding business owner turn a catch-all room into a functional dog paradise, was such a fun gig!
It started by talking through what she thought would make her job easier, and finding some dog-friendly products. Then Cory's favorite day arrived - let's be honest - ANY man likes a day where he can hit things, rip things, and get a good sweat going!

It didn't take much, or long, for this room to come together. We had a limited budget, so when we stumbled upon a MASSIVE stack of FREE pallets, I jumped all over that to create a fun accent wall in the room. It was a lot of work, but it paid off big in the end. We wrapped the bottom layer of sheetrock with a thin plywood to help save the wall from any scratches from the dogs.
Vinyl was an easy choice for this room - it's stain and water resistant, which obviously is a MUST for dogs... and let's be real, that goes for children too! HA! Lastly, with a new coat of paint, and some cute and functional decorations for this room, the dogs and owner gave us the stamp of approval! We hope more dog-lovers would choose us take on their next project!
DREAM BIG - Some things we discussed in our initial conversation to add to the room down the road were:
- Sliding door instead of the window, to add easy access outside for pups
- On the wall with the shelves, installing a pet grooming/shower station (adjacent room is a bathroom, so plumbing wouldn't be too difficult!)
- Built-in dog beds
- Canned lighting